When everything seems to be going wrong…

lord-of-the-rings_frodo_sam_what_are_we_holding_on_toIn response to all bad things that are happening in our world I started to ponder about those times when everything seems to be going wrong…

And truly, for some of us even the smallest failures seems like the end of the world and looking at the broader picture would probably lead to depression (those who truly care)…

What I’m trying to say is that looking at the world as we have it today we see wars, inequality, injustice, people killing people just because they have different opinions, religions… and list goes on and on. It’s so easy to give up on humanity, but we shouldn’t.

In times like this I remember this epic story that touched many of our hearts, that inspired us. And it’s no coincidence that in this post you can see frame from Lord of the Rings, as it’s Sams’ words that reminds us not to loose hope, that “There’s some good in this world <…> worth fighting for”.

Never forget this line.

Vaida Tum


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