Day 19: Things to regret

I’m back again with today’s topic, which is “Your biggest regret in life”.  This one is kinda sad topic because it reminds me of some sad moments, but I guess it can not be helped… so here we go.

To tell you the truth I have lost of regrets. Some are bigger than the others, but I guess that does not change the fact that I have them. When you think about it we all have regrets. That’s a common thing to have. Some regret not buying something, other’s not accepting an offer for some job or travels and so on and on.

I am no exception. I regret various things, like not buying something or not accepting some offers. However, my biggest regret is choosing the wrong people and falling for them and because of that loosing the RIGHT ones. And being me, I realize things  very late and I end up regretting my decisions. And said right people are kinda away from me and there’s no chances of getting them back as I would have to be the bad guy. And I really don’t want to be a bad guy so I end up with regrets.

And being me, I still have ties with those right people, and I watch them being happy and I’m happy for them. I really am but at the same time a part of me regrets it.

That’s kinda the story of my life. Making bad decisions. And even though one of my friends said “Bad decision are those you did not commit”, I still think about it and find myself regretting as making no decision is decision as well.


Vaida Tum


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